Tuesday 10 January 2012

Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds

First off, for people that didn't know, my idol is Noel Gallagher, so expect a lot of post about him and me chatting about stuff he has done!

Every since the introduction of the new album, I was buzzing for its release and boy, he didnt disappoint with it. My favourite track off the album has to be If I Had A Gun... as I suspect many peoples will be also, yet choosing that is hard, as every song on the album is just brilliant.

I am also a Liam Gallagher fan, and Beady Eye I think its great they are both keeping up to producing rock n roll music, which to be fair is very rare to come of these days. Obviously Noel's album was going to be better, but it really pisses me off when people are surprised by this, it was always going to be Noel which won the battle for making a better album......SIMPLES

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